
Asahi Slim Up diet corn soup 360g Livraison

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SKU: FR-4552943140951 Catégories : ,


Asahi Slim Up diet corn soup 360g

A calorie-controlling soup that can be used not only as a diet replacement but also as a quick business meal and beauty care for breakfast and lunch.

In addition to 45 kinds of rich nutrients and collagen, beauty elements such as hyaluronic acid and CoQ10 are well replenished.

Raw materials and ingredients
[Nutrition ingredient display spoon 3 cups (45 g)] Calorie 166 kcal, protein 16.3 g, lipid 3.3 g, sugar 15.0 g, dietary fiber 5.4 g, sodium 648 mg, vitamin A 150-450 μg, vitamin B 10.56 g, vitamin B 20.42 mg , Vitamin B60.39mg, Vitamin B120.67μg, Vitamin C29mg, Vitamin D1.7-6.0μg, Vitamin E2.7mg, Niacin 4.4mg, Pantothenic acid 2.1mg, Folic acid 80μg, Calcium 234mg, Magnesium 84mg, Iron 3.8mg, Potassium 600mg, copper

How to use:

Mix 3 tablespoons of attachment and about 200 ml of hot water well.

For 3 spoons: 8 times